How Much Money Can You Make on Fanvue: [The Complete Guide]

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Written By Nancy Munson

Having hung up my shoes as a camgirl, I am here to help my fellow adult-content creators to find their ground in this vast industry. With in-depth knowledge about the adult industry, I can lend you a trick or two to maximize the available tools at your disposal and make a name for yourself. 

Being one of the top adult content creators platforms, Fanvue is garnering interest from both new and established creators on different platforms. Better features, a user-friendly website, and ease of getting paid has made it popular within the adult content creators community. People are migrating from different platforms to Fanvue for the support and benefit it is offering. Most of the creators have nothing but positive Fanvue reviews and laud the platform’s effort to promote their content and gain subscribers to their accounts.

So, with all these benefits and positive talk, it is a no-brainer to consider joining Fanvue as a content creator. However, once decide to join this people’s favorite platform, you might wonder and have questions like;

  • How much money does a Fanvue creator make?
  • How much money can I make as a Fanvue creator?
  • What are the different ways I can make money on Fanvue?

If these are the questions bugging you about being a Fanvue creator, you are at the right place to find your answers. In this article, we shall answer the above questions and provide some extra information to help you establish yourself as an adult creator on Fanvue.

Fanvue overview

Like many social media platforms, Fanvue allows users to create profiles and connect to their fans or followers. Along with sharing the content, Fanvue allows its creators to earn money through it. Creators can fix a price to their content and post it on the platform to make money whenever a user tries to access the post.

However, a significant difference between common social media platforms and Fanvue is that it allows you to post adult content along with regular ones. When Fanvue was launched in 2020, its founders, William Monange and YouTuber Joel Morris (JMX), decided to keep the platform open for all types of creators as long as they abide by the law and regulations of their respective regions from where they will be operating. 

The freedom to post adult content permitted sex workers and many other adult content creators to come to the platform to share their content. Now that we know about Fanvue let us look at some additional aspects that shall help you understand the platform better and generate revenue.

Setting up your Fanvue account

Setting up your account is the first thing you need to take care of before you start making money through Fanvue. And trust us, Fanvue has one of the most straightforward account setup processes in the adult content creation industry. 

You can begin your account creation by clicking on the “Sign up” option on Once clicked on sign up, you can complete the process using your email ID. You can also use your Google or Twitter login credentials to create an account for yourself on Fanvue.

Setting up your Fanvue account

Once you have created your account, Fanvue allows you to either become a creator or discover a creator. If you are on the platform just to watch other creators, then choose “Discover a creator,” the platform will let you be a regular user after you consent your age and set up a payment to pay for your liked creators.

But if you want to be a creator on the platform, choose the “Become a creator” option, which will take you to the next set of options. 

Fanvue sign in page for creators and users

Once you choose to be a creator, Fanvue will show you the earnings you can make on the platform. It talks about the commission Fanvue will receive from your earnings and referral earnings you can make. In the coming sections, we will discuss commissions and referral pay in detail. For now, we shall concentrate on setting up your account.

Fanvue creators signing in accept page

Following this page, Fanvue will present an accepted document list and a user consent form for the creators. Fanvue will guide you to the next page to upload your document upon agreeing to both.

Fanvue document verification page

Upon uploading your documents, Fanvue will take minutes to complete the verification. In addition, you can check the status of your verification on the platform itself, or you will also receive a confirmation email from Fanvue regarding the same.

Post verification, add your banking details to receive money for your content through Fanvue.

Ta-da. There you go. Your account is all set up now and ready to be used to mint money.

Who can do it, and how much can you make? 

Well, we will cover that as well.

Who can earn money through Fanvue?

Even though Fanvue is most famous for its adult content, it also plays a wonderful host to other creators. Everyone can use the platform to post their content to make money, from an Italian chef to an American gymnast. 

As long as your content is unique and worthy and users find it useful, you can use the platform to generate revenue for yourself. However, since there is no restriction on the content you are posting, Fanvue can be used by all types of creators as long as they own the content and have no legal consequences.

With next to nothing limitation on the type of content being posted on the platform, Fanvue can help you increase your bank balance. But, how do you do it? The following section is where you find the answer.

How can you make money on Fanvue?

The above question can be answered from two perspectives. Number one, what are the different ways or modes allowed by the platform to monetize your content. And number two, how you as a creator can make the maximum use of those modes to generate revenue.

Different ways to monetize on Fanvue

Fanvue allows you to charge a certain amount for the content you post on it. Depending on your content’s quality and popularity, users shall pay the amount you decide to view your content. The three significant types of content that you can post under your profile are;

  • Images or photos – A single picture or bunch of them put together in a gallery.
  • Videos – Pre-recorded video of yours performing an act.
  • Live streaming – Coming in front of the camera to perform live for your audience.

And the different ways you can monetize on Fanvue are by;

  • Subscription
  • Pay Per View (PPV)
  • Tips
  • Referral
  • Custom content
  • Sell physical goods

Let us look at each of these types separately.


After gaining popularity, creators can charge users a subscription fee to view their content. The subscription fee can be of any value set for monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, or yearly, depending on the creator’s popularity. There is no upper limit for the subscription set by Fanvue. So, creators can evaluate their popularity and decide on a suitable subscription charge to generate maximum revenue.

Pay Per View (PPV)

Another way of generating revenue is by charging money per post. Using price-locked content, you can generate extra income on Fanvue. Both subscribers and non-subscribers to your profile have to pay the price set by you to view your content. You can earn extra money through this price-locked premium content, along with the regular subscription fee for your profile. PPV can be either images, videos, or your live streams.

There is no upper cap on the PPV charge as well. But be mindful of the amount you charge for the PPV because higher PPV charges might irk your subscribers for having to pay extra to view your content. And you might end up losing your subscribers unintentionally. 

So, set the price right for your PPV posts so that you can earn extra while keeping your subscribers happy.


One more great way to earn money on Fanvue is by tips. Usually, this works for live streams, where subscribers can pay you ‘x’ amount of money for the deeds you do for them in front of the camera. The viewers have an upper limit of $500 as a one-time tipping amount. Again, creators have the privilege to set who can view their live streams (only subscribers or anyone with PPV). However, tipping is not mandatory while watching the live stream, and viewers, with their own interest, can pay any amount of money to the performer or the creator based on the likability of the act.


Another source of income through your Fanvue profile is referring a new creator to the platform. Every time they make money through Fanvue, you get 5% of their revenue for the first 3 years. There is no limitation on how many creators you can refer to earn this referral bonus.

Custom content

You can ask your viewers what they like and what they would like you to perform and charge them accordingly for this custom feed. Since it is something the viewers request, they might be willing to pay you some extra bucks to view that content. 

You can also send private messages and private content to your subscribers and charge them for those private messages.

Selling goods

Although Fanvue doesn’t work entirely as an e-commerce website to sell physical goods, you can still use it as a platform to do one. After building a healthy relationship with your subscribers, you can sell your used panties or feet pics to the desired subscribers at a specific price. For example, you can post pics of your underwear or feet or any other goods you want to sell in your gallery and ask the interested subscribers to contact and pay the amount mentioned to receive the product.

Remember, Fanvue will not take responsibility for the shipping and logistics. Instead, you, from your end, have to take care of it all, and Fanvue will just act as a platform to advertise your goods.

If these are the abilities the platform provides to earn money, here are some steps you can follow to make the most of it.

How to make the most money on Fanvue as an Adult creator?

Not everyone earns equally on Fanvue; some make a lot of money, while some earn the bare minimum. It is not Fanvue’s fault that there is a discrepancy in the payment between the creators. Some creators put in extra effort and go the extra mile to earn more, while most settle for what they get. So to stop yourself from being a minimalist earner and reach the heights you can on this beautiful adult content creation platform, you can follow these processes below.

Be unique

When you are in the entertainment industry, that too in adult entertainment, you need to be unique to attract viewers. Being an average joe will only take you so far and limit your earning capabilities. Identify your unique feature and then sell the same on the platform to make more money.

Post high-quality content

Quality over quantity is a motto that applies almost everywhere. Even on Fanvue, as an adult creator, you must concentrate on posting high-quality content rather than bombarding your profile with numerous poor-quality content. 

If you have enough budget, use professional equipment to record yourself. And if you are budget constrained, ensure you get better of the available equipment to shoot quality content.

Post Regularly

Posting regularly under your profile is a rule of thumb if you are a content creator. With creators flooding in on different platforms daily, your responsibility is to keep your content flowing to retain your viewers. You can keep your viewers engaged with your profile and maximize your earnings by posting regularly. 

Another essential aspect of regularly posting is keeping up with the latest trends. If you follow the latest trends and keep yourself updated with developments in the industry, you can earn more than the rest of your competitors.

Interact with fans

Interacting with fans makes a world of difference if you are an adult creator or any creator. It makes your fans believe that they are being valued and you care for them. Occasional live streams to chat with them, giving a tiny bit of insights about your personal life, replying to their DM’s would make them happy and convince them to be loyal to your profile.

How much money can you make on Fanvue?

The simple answer to this question is limitless. As a creator, you can earn up to anything depending upon the popularity and quality of your content. With no upper limit on subscription fees and PPV posts by the platform, creators can charge any possible amount to their users to view their content. Using the Fanvue calculator, you can calculate how much you would earn through the platform.

Creators, on average, make up to $200 – $500 per month if they are new to the business. But once they establish themselves as a professional, they can earn up to $1000 – $2000 daily. In addition, an increase in the number of subscribers and subscription charges will allow you to earn more than the $2000 per day mark. As there are many different ways to generate revenue, and with no upper limit on most of them, the numbers you earn are in your hands as a creator.


If, as a creator, you have doubts about choosing which platform to post your content on, then here is your answer. Fanvue is different from the rest of its competitors, like OnlyFans, in many ways. From uncapped subscription charges to earning through private messages, Fanvue has provided an opportunity for the creators to make maximum money through their content.

With numerous ways to generate revenue, Fanvue is gaining popularity among adult content creators. And creators are more than happy about the support they receive to earn maximum through their content. 

We hope we have answered your doubts regarding the earning potential of Fanvue through this article.

Thank you for reading.

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