Fanvue vs. OnlyFans: Best Adult Creator Platform!

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Written By Nancy Munson

Having hung up my shoes as a camgirl, I am here to help my fellow adult-content creators to find their ground in this vast industry. With in-depth knowledge about the adult industry, I can lend you a trick or two to maximize the available tools at your disposal and make a name for yourself. 

The introduction of the subscription-based business model has helped several industries improve their market and business valuation, of which the adult content creation market is also one. With a valuation of $44.8 Bn in 2022 and an estimated $201 Bn by the end of 2032, the adult content creation industry is trying to gain the maximum benefit of this subscription model and milk the large market to its fullest. This upsurge in the market cap has given rise to several platforms for adult content creators to share their content. 

An increase in the number of platforms has not only allowed them to come online, post content, and make money out of it but also planted a question about choosing the right platform to share their content. The availability of numerous platforms has made it tedious and time-consuming for the creators to select the best from the rest that suits their needs and necessities. OnlyFans, Fansly, Fanvue, etc., are some adult content creation spaces that enable creators to post their adult content online for their fans. 

But of the many, the two most talked-about adult content creation spaces are OnlyFans and Fanvue. So as an adult content creator, which one will you choose that shall help you generate maximum revenue for your content with minimum hassle while posting it.

In this post, we shall take a look at both these platforms and answer some of the questions you might have while choosing, like

  • Fanvue vs. OnlyFans. Which one to choose?
  • What is the difference between Fanvue and OnlyFans?
  • Is Fanvue better than OnlyFans?

If you are stuck with these or similar questions, you are at the right place to find the answers. This article will compare the features of these two widely used platforms and try to help you narrow down your decision.

But then again, if you have searched for Fanvue vs. OnlyFans in your search engine, we assume you have a minimum idea about these two platforms.

Know it or not, we shall start our comparison with the fundamental question.

What is OnlyFans?

Started in 2016 by Tim Stokley, OnlyFans has become a popular name in the adult content creation industry, working on the subscription-based business model. Initially launched for sharing videos and photos by the performers, the platform gained the attention of internet users when amateur sex workers started to post adult content. 

With the authorization to post any type of content until and unless it hurts someone’s feelings, rights, and privacy, OnlyFans has amassed millions of users and content creators on its platform. From a chef teaching how to cook pasta to a pornstar eating sushi on someone’s body, you can find every sort of content on OnlyFans. And the creators can make money from this content by charging the users monthly for the subscription or each content separately (PPV).

Currently, with over 150 million users, of which 1.5+ million are creators and over 500,000 daily users, OnlyFans is one of the leading platforms for adult content creators. Not just that, top creators on OnlyFans earn over $100,000 per month, with the average payout being $151 per month for the not-so-popular creators, making it one of the go-to-places for adult content creators. 

Some of the significant features of OnlyFans are:

  • Integrate the social media profiles of creators.
  • Live Streaming.
  • Pay Per View.
  • Instant Messaging during the live stream.
  • Tipping.

Well, now that we have understood what OnlyFans is, let us look at its fierce competitor, Fanvue.

Hey, don’t worry; We are not abandoning discussing OnlyFans. We will look at the features of OnlyFans in-depth in the upcoming sections and compare them with Fanvue. But before that, let us know about Fanvue first.

What is Fanvue?

Fanvue is a fierce rival against OnlyFans in the adult content creators industry. Creators can post exclusive content on the platform and sell it to users for free or through subscription. Like OnlyFans, Fanvue was launched to connect fans with their favorite performers. 

But it rose to popularity in the adult content category when in August 2021, OnlyFans planned to ban all adult content from its platform. However, the backlash from the creators did force them to backtrack their decision; it was too late by then. Uncertainty over hosting adult content on OnlyFans forced the creators to look for alternatives, and they found their answer in Fanvue. The promise made by Fanvue of not prohibiting any adult content on their platforms in the near future convinced the creators to leave OnlyFans and join Fanvue for posting their content.

Apart from uncertainty over publishing adult content, both Fanvue and OnlyFans function similarly. Similar to OnlyFans, Fanvue creators can also live stream, post content for PPV, chat during the live stream, and much more. 

However, some main differences separate these two adult content creation spaces. And we shall discuss what they are in the following sections.

Comparison between OnlyFans and Fanvue

Monetization in Fanvue and OnlyFans

OnlyFans and Fanvue allow the creators to earn money through subscriptions, tipping during live streams, and paid posts.

But Fanvue has a distinct advantage over OnlyFans in this area, as it allows creators to earn through referrals. For example, using referrals, creator 1 can start making money when creator 2, referred by creator 1 to Fanvue, starts to earn money through their posts.

Pricing and Commission: Fanvue vs. OnlyFans

When it comes to pricing and commission, Fanvue has an advantage compared to OnlyFans. OnlyFans allows its creators to have an upper limit of $50 as their subscription charge, while Fanvue has not put any upper limit for the subscription charges. Meaning, that creators can charge any amount for the subscription on Fanvue in comparison to OnlyFans.

As discussed before, tipping is another source of cash for the creators on both platforms. However, both the platforms have placed a limit on the users while tipping during live streams. OnlyFans subscribers can tip $200 at one time during their favorite stream compared to the $500 limit for Fanvue subscribers.

Coming to the commission part, both the platforms charge almost a similar amount to their creators. OnlyFans charge 20% on the creators’ earnings, whereas Fanvue charges 15% until the end of 2022 and 20% after that.

Fanvue charges 15% until the end of 2022 and 20% after that.

Fanvue or OnlyFans: Which User Interface is the best?

The user interface is one of the critical factors determining a website’s success or failure. That too, for platforms where people interaction is maximum, ease of use is a must to attract and retain its users. And in this case, both OnlyFans and Fanvue, to a certain extent, have achieved it successfully. 

While both platforms boast about providing user-friendly interfaces for their users, Fanvue outclasses OnlyFans in this section. Subscribers and creators of OnlyFans often complain about the difficulty of navigating through the website. 

Fanvue users, on the other hand, have their life easier. With handy menus and an attractive website, creators can easily find the settings and options to post their content with ease. It also has an option named ‘vault,’ where the creators can upload videos in bulk and then manage them separately.

Discoverability in Fanvue and OnlyFans.

Adult content creation is a big industry, and being discovered in this vast space is a challenging task. So, as a content hosting platform, it is the platform’s job to push content to the users to make it visible.

OnlyFans again loses the ground here as it fails to promote its creators organically. Users must work hard to find the content they like with only a handful of suggestions for the creators’ profiles on the user’s homepage.

Similarly, creators’ have to go the extra mile and promote their content extensively to attract new subscribers to their profiles.

When it comes to marketing their content, Fanvue creators are at an advantage. A new discoverability feature added in 2022, similar to Instagram’s feed feature, allows users to land on the content of their choice effortlessly. This way, creators can also gain new subscribers to their profile organically without sweating too much.

Fanvue vs. OnlyFans: Promotional Videos

One distinctive feature that separates these two platforms is the ability to use promotional videos on Fanvue to promote your profile. Fanvue allows its creators to post a promotional video that acts as a teaser for the users to have a glimpse of your content. All users have access to this promotional video, subscribed or not, and can make up their minds about subscriptions after watching it.

OnlyFans does not have this feature on its platform. Users can only look at the creator’s profile pic and bio before deciding on the subscription. However, the contents of the creators are accessible only after subscription.

OnlyFans vs. Fanvue: Who offers the best Support?

Talk to any OnlyFans creators, and you shall hear them moaning about the poor support they receive. You can either raise a ticket and wait for it to be fixed or search through a bunch of help and support articles to find answers to your queries. More often, creators on OnlyFans struggle to find the solutions to their problems on the platform and rely on themselves or fellow creators to resolve the issue.

Fanvue support system is different. You will have a live chat agent answering questions in addition to traditional FAQs and help & support articles. There is also a page named “suggest a feature” where users and creators can propose a feature or option that needs to be integrated into the platform to improve the user experience. Depending on the compatibility of the suggested feature, a dedicated pro developer team of Fanvue tries to work on it and incorporate it into the website as soon as possible.

OnlyFans vs. Fanvue - Who offers the best Support

These significant attributes set each other apart in the adult creators’ space. Adding to these are some additional features between Fanvue and OnlyFans listed in the table.

OnlyFans Fanvue
Monetization Subscription, PPV, Tips  Subscription, PPV, Tips
Commission 20%  15% until 2022 and 20% after that.
Referral Pay 5% for first 12 Months 5% for 3 Years
Payout Frequency 21 Days 7 Days
Minimum Payout $20 $20
Payment Gateways Not available Skrill, Cosmos, Axcess
Live Chat Support No Yes


Fanvue vs. OnlyFans. Which is the best platform?

Although there is no stone-clad answer to this question, our analysis does suggest Fanvue has the edge over OnlyFans in the race to be the best platform for hosting adult content. And here are a few reasons we believe are noteworthy to mention to ease your dilemma in choosing the right one.

One of the main reasons to forfeit OnlyFans and choose Fanvue is the uncertainty over hosting adult content. OnlyFans did plan to ban the adult content on the platform and backtracked its decision due to the creators’ backlash and losing them to its competitors. And indicators suggest that OnlyFans might ban adult content in the future, if not tomorrow.

In contrast, Fanvue has promised to promote and play host to adult content on its platform in the foreseeable future, thus ending creators’ worry of losing the platform for their content.

The lower commission rate, easy-to-use website, and effortless promotion of your content on the platform make OnlyFans vs. Fanvue duel go in favor of Fanvue. Adding to it, the live chat support and a dedicated development team to fix any ongoing issues only help Fanvue’s case.

So considering all this, Fanvue does have an advantage over OnlyFans in the adult content hosting industry and can be the best starting place for an adult content creator.


Well, we believe we have covered some of the critical features that differentiate these two adult content hosting platforms. We managed to answer some of the bugging questions for the newcomers or the less experienced ones in their quest to find the best adult creator platform. 

With the provision of some extra benefits in user-friendliness, promoting content, and extra earning abilities on their platform, Fanvue does win this race marginally. And it could serve as a better platform if you are just starting your journey in the world of adult creators. However, it is your decision finally to choose the right one, and hopefully, this article helps you to narrow down that decision.

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