What is Fansly? Why do Creators say it is better than OnlyFans?

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Written By Nancy Munson

Having hung up my shoes as a camgirl, I am here to help my fellow adult-content creators to find their ground in this vast industry. With in-depth knowledge about the adult industry, I can lend you a trick or two to maximize the available tools at your disposal and make a name for yourself. 

Over the years, the adult entertainment industry has changed a lot. It is not the same as it was yesterday. The industry, which was limited to a few adult performers, magazines, and studios, is now almost open to anyone (provided they are over 18). And the evolution of the internet has a hand in it. 

The advent of social networking and content hosting websites has led to the establishment of several platforms to host adult content. These platforms have provided a legal marketplace to share adult content with the world and make money through it. From millennials to established adult stars, interested adult performers use these platforms to earn money and popularity.

Fansly and OnlyFans are two of the leading names in this adult content hosting platform. However, creators feel Fansly is a better option to host adult content and earn money than OnlyFans. And why do creators say Fansly is better than OnlyFans? Let’s find the answer to this question and see how Fansly wins in the Fansly vs. OnlyFans battle.

What is Fansly?

Fansly, today is one of the leading names in adult content hosting platforms. Established in 2017, Fansly is a platform that connects creators with their subscribers or fans. With over 130 million active users, Fansly plays host to almost all types of content. Fansly’s founders have assured its creators that it won’t ban or restrict any kind of content on its platform as long as it is legal.

This assurance by its founders has made Fansly a trustworthy platform for many adult content creators. Fansly works on a subscription-based model and allows its creators to monetize their content on the platform and be their own bosses. Along with subscriptions, there are a few different ways to earn money on Fansly, which we will discuss in the coming sections.

But before we start talking about making money, we will look at some of the initial steps of using Fansly as a creator.

  • Create an account: Use your Google, Twitter, or Twitch credentials to set up a Fansly account. You can also use any other email address to complete the sign-up. Remember, you need to be over 18 to start using Fansly. 
  • Submit the creator’s application: After signing up, you must submit an application to be a creator on the platform. It asks you for some personal details and a valid government ID to verify your identity.
  • Verification: Within 48 hours, Fansly will review your application and confirm you as one of the creators on its platform.

After verification, you can start uploading your content and making money through Fansly. 

It is not that complex, is it? An excellent start for Fansly in the discussion of why do creators say Fansly is better than OnlyFans.

Now that we have understood what is Fansly? Let us take a look at its fierce competitor, OnlyFans.

What is OnlyFans?

OnlyFans is often considered a synonym for adult content hosting platforms. Although when established in 2016 by Tim Stokley, OnlyFans was a platform to connect performers from different sectors with their fans. But it rose to fame due to the explicit content it shared on the internet. OnlyFans became a household name in the adult entertainment industry by allowing adult content creators to earn from their homes through their posts on its platform.

Its success sprint took a slight bump in 2021 when OnlyFans made a press release about a plan to ban all adult content from its platform in the near future. Although OnlyFans retracted its statement later, the damage was already done. Many creators started worrying about the future of adult content hosting on the platform and started looking elsewhere.

Starting on OnlyFans is almost similar to Fansly, with only tiny differences, so let us look at the process of creating your OnlyFans account.

  • Sign up: You can sign up using Google, Twitter, or Windows login credentials or even your regular email address to create an account on OnlyFans. You have to be over 18 to use OnlyFans.
  • Submit ID proof: Produce a valid government-provided ID to verify your identity.
  • Verification: Verification on OnlyFans usually take up to 72 hours. 

Once the verification is complete, you are free to upload any content on OnlyFans as long as it is legal.

There are a few differences between OnlyFans and Fansly in terms of starting your account as a creator. Once you set up your account and start using the platforms to earn money,  then you start noticing the differences. What are these differences, and how is Fansly better than OnlyFans? Let us see.

Is Fansly better than OnlyFans?

For a long time, OnlyFans held the throne of the adult content creation space. But, the emergence of other platforms like Fansly has put its place in danger, and OnlyFans is fighting hard to keep its position intact. But for how long? With many creators preferring Fansly over OnlyFans to post their adult content, OnlyFans is losing its ground in the race to be the top adult content hosting platform.

So, is Fansly better than OnlyFans? Why do creators say it is better than OnlyFans?

Let us analyze some of the features of both platforms and see whether Fansly really outclasses OnlyFans in those sections and come out as the top-performing adult content hosting platform. And in the battle of OnlyFans vs. Fansly, see who wins.

Earning capabilities: Fansly vs. OnlyFans

Creators monetize in almost similar ways on both Fansly and OnlyFans. Subscription, Pay Per View (PPV), Tips, and Referrals are the four main ways to earn money on each of these platforms. Fansly percentage cut in terms of commission is similar to the OnlyFans commission percentage. Both platforms deduct a 20% commission from your total earnings through them.

Even though the earning methods remain the same for both platforms, how much you earn through those methods is entirely different. Let us find out how earning capabilities differ on Fansly and OnlyFans.


OnlyFans creators can earn anywhere between $4.99 to $50 per month through a single subscriber. The creator can create a subscription bundle of 2 or more months and then charge a maximum of $250 for the bundle.

However, this is not the case with Fansly. Fansly allows the creators to charge their subscribers between $5 to $500 per month, thus providing its creators a facility to earn more than OnlyFans.


Fansly and OnlyFans allow their creators to earn by referring fellow creators to the platform. On OnlyFans, creators can earn 5% of their referee’s total earnings on the platform for the first 12 months. After 12 months, OnlyFans will add no referral bonus to the referrer’s account. Also, the referrer can earn a maximum of $50,000 per referral within the first 12 months of the referral.

With Fansly, you don’t have to worry about such restrictions or caps on your earnings through referral. The referrer’s on Fansly make 5% of their referee’s total earnings for the first 12 months and 1.5% after that. It is much better than OnlyFans, as referrers on Fansly can earn as long as their referees keep making money on the platform.


Subscribers on both platforms often tip their favorite creators to show their extra love, but the amount that a subscriber can tip is limited. OnlyFans subscribers, in their first 3 months on the platform, can tip anywhere between $3 to $100 towards their favorite creators. After 4 months, they can tip a maximum of $200 at once.

On the other hand, Fansly allows its creators to earn tips between $0.10 and $500. And both new and old subscribers can pay a maximum of $500 as a one-time tip towards the creator.

Looking at the figures above, anyone can conclude that earning capability through Fansly is much higher than OnlyFans. Creators stand a chance to earn more money on Fansly with numerous options and fewer restrictions. The restrictions and caps on the amount of money you earn make OnlyFans a less likely place to increase your bank balance.

So, in the battle of Fansly vs. OnlyFans for the top adult content hosting platform, Fansly wins round one.

Payouts: OnlyFans vs. Fansly

Payouts are the money the platforms transfer into the creators’ pocket when requested. Creators expect the payouts to be faster and easier. The minimum payout that creators can request on both platforms is $20, and both platforms require some time before they complete the transfer into the creators’ pockets.

OnlyFans payout

Creators on OnlyFans have to wait 7 days before they can request a payout. OnlyFans pay its creators on a 7-day rolling basis, and creators cannot make 2 withdrawal requests in one week. And in some countries, creators on Onlyfans have to wait 21 days before they receive their earnings through the platform.

Fansly payout

Fansly payout is much quicker and more effortless in that sense. Creators can request a payout and have their money transferred from Fansly in 1-2 business days. If you don’t receive your money even after the third day, you can raise an issue with Fansly, to which they will happily respond.

Fansly is not just quicker but also is reliable when it comes to completing the transfer of funds. Many different payment options work seamlessly on Fansly, and creators don’t have to worry about choosing any particular payment option to retrieve their funds from the platform. Unlike OnlyFans, where creators often rant about their payment being withheld or lost due to the platform’s errors.

onlyfans creator complaining about onlyfans and moving to fansly

With Fansly allowing its creators to withdraw money from their accounts quickly and safely, it automatically becomes a fan favorite content hosting platform. And this is another reason why creators say Fansly is better than OnlyFans when choosing adult content hosting platforms.

So in the argument over OnlyFans vs. Fansly payout process and reliability, Fansly wins clearly.

Support for creators: Fansly vs. OnlyFans

A solid support system is very much essential in maintaining the creators’ satisfaction on any platform. When a creator hits a roadblock while using the platform and does not know where to go, a sound support system will come in handy in keeping the creator happy. An excellent technical and customer support team can create wonders for any organization, especially for service industries, where keeping its partners happy is the most important thing.

Fansly support

Fansly is known for its support system and often gets the creators’ appreciation for the timely solution it presents while in disarray. To support its creators, Fansly has a well-set-up help and support page where answers to the most frequently asked questions are grouped categorically. The help and support page has detailed answers to all your technical, financial, and platform-related questions. 

And if you don’t find the answer to your questions on the help page, you can always reach out to the chat agents, who will try to resolve your issues in minutes. Along with chat agents, you can always write emails to a support team for complex problems, and Fansly will be more than happy to respond and fix the problem in no time.

OnlyFans support

Even OnlyFans is not far behind when it comes to supporting its creators. A well-maintained help and support page with almost all the answers in it acts as an excellent guide for creators when they come across any problems regarding technical, financial, or other platform-related issues.

But if the problem is complex and you cannot find answers on the help and support page, you have to raise a ticket or write an email to get the solution. And this might take hours or days, depending on the complexity of the problem. This is a significant drawback of the Onlyfans support system.

So in the battle of Fansly vs. OnlyFans support system, Fansly wins here by a tiny margin. And this is one of the main reasons why creators say Fansly is better than OnlyFans.

Community support: OnlyFans vs. Fansly

For a new adult content creator, support from the creators’ community is critical to excel at their job. The vital inputs from the experienced creators can help the upcoming creators to go in the right direction and avoid making costly mistakes. And when it comes to OnlyFans vs. Fansly community support, the creator’s on both platforms try to contribute to help their fellow creators.

Community support on OnlyFans

OnlyFans has a creator’s community on Reddit to support and advise each other to make the best use of the platform. Anyone who is an OnlyFans creator can join the community and start helping each other in the community. Also, OnlyFans has an official support page on Twitter to make important announcements on any updates or changes in the platform’s operation. All the OnlyFans creators are welcome on these social media networks and share their experiences to help each other.

Community support on Fansly

Even Fansly offers almost the same kind of community support. With a creator’s community on Reddit and an official support page on Twitter, Fansly provides a stage for its creators to discuss their best practices to become successful on the platform. Not just the creators but even fans on Fansly indulge in discussion on the platform’s message board feature to provide their inputs to improve the content and platform.

Even though both platforms have almost the same kind of community support, Fansly wins here again for one reason. That is, Fansly and its creators quickly respond to any queries on its community pages and help resolve the issues at the earliest. Also, Fansly is very interactive compared to OnlyFans and keeps posting timely updates and announcements on their social media pages.

For this reason alone, Fansly comes on top again. So 4 to nothing to Fansly.

Unique features on Fansly

Fansly on its platform offers a few unique features that separate it from OnlyFans. These features provide an opportunity for the creators to increase the number of subscribers and earn more on the platform. And in the battle of Fansly vs. OnlyFans, these unique features act as a pivotal point in tilting the argument in favor of Fansly.

Media sale

Media sale on Fansly is somewhat similar to the PPV on other platforms but with a little twist. Like PPV, media sale on Fansly is also through a locked post where subscribers have to pay a fixed amount to unlock or view them. Media sale can be sold in mass to everyone or can be sent privately through DMs on request.

But the significant difference between PPV and media sales is that PPV, once deleted by the creator, cannot be accessed by any subscribers. However, media sale on Fansly works differently. Once the subscriber pays the fixed price and gets access to the post through media sales on Fansly, the content is permanently stored in the subscriber’s media collection. That means that even if the creator deletes the post from their account, the subscriber who paid for it can keep it in their media collection.

Creators can charge between $1 to $500 for each media sale and sell as many media as they want. Users who download them into their media collection can view the post only on their Fansly account and cannot download or distribute it anywhere.

Fan referrals

Fansly allows its users to refer new fans to the platform and earn through it. Creators can refer new fans to Fansly and earn 1% of what the new fans spend for the first 90 days on the platform.

Even though the earnings you make through fan referrals are not that huge, it’s still something. But, again, there are no limits to how many fans you can refer to or how much money you may make from their spending.

‘For You’ feature

‘For You’ is a unique discoverability feature on Fansly that allows creators to endorse their profile on the platform. Creators can post videos and photos on their timelines, and Fansly’s algorithm displays your profile to users who search for similar content on the platform.

Also, the algorithm recommends your profile to users based on their subscription and behavior in their account. This way, you stand a chance to earn new subscribers organically. You can use the ‘For You’ feature to gain new subscribers with your regular promotion on different social media networks.

All these unique features prove Fansly is better than OnlyFans and answer why creators say Fansly is better than OnlyFans.

Main differences between Fansly and OnlyFans

Features Fansly OnlyFans
Type of content you can post SFW and NSFW SFW and NSFW
Verification of creator’s profile Within 48 hours Up to 72 hours
Nudity on your profile picture or header Allowed Not allowed
Payout frequency 1 – 2 Business days 7 rolling days
Accepted payment methods Accepts almost all debit, credit, and reloadable cards.

Always adds new payment methods on request, if feasible.

Visa/Master debit and credit cards, Discover, and some Visa prepaid cards.

PayPal, gift cards, and other prepaid cards are not accepted.

Earning cap on referral No cap $50,000 per subscriber within the first 12 months.



Now, is Fansly better than OnlyFans?

All the comparisons done above say yes to the above question. The ability to earn more and increase your subscribers organically has made Fansly a favorite among adult content creators. Although new to the industry, Fansly is trying everything to keep its creators happy and satisfied to convince them to stay on the platform.

Fansly wins the battle of Fansly vs. OnlyFans easily. With too many creator-friendly features, Fansly outclasses OnlyFans in every way and proves why creators say it is better than OnlyFans. Great support and quick and reliable payouts are only a few of the features that separate Fansly from the competition. 

So why do creators say Fansly is better than OnlyFans?

Well, the article gives a detailed explanation for this question.

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