How Much Should I Charge For Feet Pics?

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Written By Nancy Munson

Having hung up my shoes as a camgirl, I am here to help my fellow adult-content creators to find their ground in this vast industry. With in-depth knowledge about the adult industry, I can lend you a trick or two to maximize the available tools at your disposal and make a name for yourself. 

Commanding your search engine to get the answers for how much to charge for feet pics shows your obvious interest in feet pic selling business.

And, why would not you be?

The possibility of earning thousands of dollars through feet images can compel anyone to enter this business. As selling feet pics is legal for anyone over 18, many apps and websites act as a great marketplace to sell them online. And people who want to use these apps and websites to sell feet pics have only one question in their mind; how much to charge for feet pictures?

If you are one of those people who want to know about the feet picture price lists on various platforms, then, as usual, you are at the right place to get your answers. We, in this article, will discuss how to set the correct prices for feet pics and videos on different platforms and what factors influence your feet pic pricing.

So, without making you wait any further, let us help you understand the strategy of putting a price tag on those beautiful pictures of your feet.

Factors influencing charges of feet pictures online

The prices for feet pics do not just depend on the images of your feet you post on the platform. Several other factors influence the charges for feet pictures, and you should consider all these to know how much to sell feet pics for.

1. Your popularity

Your popularity on feet pic selling platforms is an essential factor determining your earning capability when you sell feet pics online. The more popular you are, the more chances you have to make big money. And your popularity is determined by the number of followers or subscribers you have on the social media platforms or marketplaces where you sell feet pics.

For example, look at Jason, a feet pic seller from the USA, who has over 4,000 followers on his Instagram and earns around $4,000 per month by selling feet pics. Not only IG, but he also uses OnlyFans to sell feet pics to make some extra money.

If Jason’s story does not convince you, see how much Sweet Arches (name changed) from Sweden earns by selling feet pics online to her many followers. With 100,000+ followers on Instagram and over 1,000 subscribers on OnlyFans, Sweet Arches makes nearly $70,000 yearly through selling her feet pictures.

More the number, the merrier it is. Having more followers or subscribers means you have a large customer base, and you can easily charge more money for the feet pics on online marketplaces, as you have a higher number of potential buyers.

2. Reviews you received

Along with the number of followers, another factor that impacts the prices for feet pics is the reviews your followers leave on your profile. Positive reviews from your buyers can add value to your profile, and you can use that to your advantage in deciding the prices of your feet pic.

You can refer to Shiroyuki’s profile on FeetFinder for some inspiration. With a great FeetFinder bio, she is one of the platform’s leading names in selling feet pics. Buyers on her profile praise her and leave positive reviews, as shown in the image below, for the quality pics and professionalism she shows while selling feet pictures.

Feet pics buyers on feefinder gave 5/5 review for a feet pic seller

Potential buyers often check for previous buyers’ reviews to validate sellers on online marketplaces. So, having a positive review can help you gain more subscribers, which in turn can help you decide the charges for your feet pictures.

3. Types of feet pics you sell

The different types of feet pics you sell play a deciding role in knowing how much to charge for feet pics on various platforms. People sell a few different categories of feet pics online, each of which has different prices. Here is a list of some types of feet pics that attract buyers the most and make them pay a good chunk of money:

  • Clean feet: Most people admire clean feet and spend good money to own such pictures.
  • High heels: Feet with high heels has its own set of fans willing to pay what you charge on your profile.
  • Dirty feet: Feet covered in soil, sand, or sweat is of high interest for certain feet fetish lovers.
  • Colored toenails: Many feet pic lovers search and pay good money for pictures of feet with painted toenails.
  • Feet with ornaments: People like to see feet decorated with lovely ornaments.
  • Feet with fishnet or stockings: Wearing a fishnet or stockings on your feet can easily pull subscribers to your profile.
  • Customized: You can ask what your buyers want to see on your feet and then sell it for a much higher price. Custom requests can fetch you more money than the regular feet pic categories.

Along with these, there are some more categories under which you can sell your feet pics. For example, look at the image below, where a seller from a reputed marketplace has mentioned categories under which she would be selling her feet pics. You can charge accordingly depending on the demand for the feet pic types.

different types of feet pics you sell play a deciding role in knowing how much to charge for feet pics

4. Marketing you do

Marketing rightly can do a world of good for anyone in the sales business. And as a feet pic seller, you are no less than any regular salesperson. So, regular marketing of your feet pic selling profiles using suitable social media sites can help you find your answer in the quest of how much do people sell feet pics for. Some widely used social media platforms for marketing your online feet pic selling profiles are Reddit, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, etc.

Marketing your feet pic selling profiles will help you gain more subscribers, eventually helping you set an appropriate price for your feet pics.

Feet pic promotion on twitter

Look at the seller in the above image who is promoting her OnlyFans profile for selling feet pics on Twitter to gain more subscribers.

Along with promoting your marketplaces, you can also sell your feet pics on some of these social media giants. For example, you can easily sell feet pics on Reddit, TikTok, and Instagram and make extra money. Selling feet pics on Twitter is also legal nowadays, and many are doing it as a profitable side hustle.

5. Dedication and commitment to selling feet pictures online

Dedication and commitment are vital to one’s success in any job or business, which applies to selling feet pictures online as well. Posting feet pics and videos regularly on the platform will increase your reputation among your subscribers and convince them to buy feet pictures from you.

Along with being regular on the platform, you also must make sure that you post high-quality feet pics to show your commitment to your buyers. Posting low-quality images might force your buyers to have second thoughts about their decision to be on your profile to buy feet pictures from you.

Your dedication and commitment to the feet pic selling business will help you earn dearly. When you regularly post high-quality images under your profile, your customers will start to trust and like you more. You will be able to build a loyal customer base around you and, in the process, can charge a higher price for the feet pics you sell.

6. Editing

Editing is one of the least talked about subjects in the feet pic selling business. No one can undermine the importance of editing in posting quality images under your profile. Good editing is very much necessary to establish yourself as a valid seller on feet pic selling platforms.

A nicely edited feet pic looks more professional and appealing to your buyers, who might want to spend more money on the pics posted by you. Many free and paid editing software are available to help you produce quality photos, as shown below.

Reliable editing software enables you to remove or blur unwanted objects from your images, give a sharp edge to your photos, add watermarks, etc. And if you are one of those sellers who is shy about showing your face, then you can use editing software to crop or blur your face from the photos you post.

Don’t worry about not showing your face on your feet pics, as it will not adversely affect your ability to earn money. Buyers will be paying money for your feet and not your face; hence, without any worry, you can sell feet pic photos without showing your face. Many are selling feet pics anonymously without showing their face on different platforms and earning good money.

So, in the process of understanding how much I should sell feet pics for, editing plays an important role.

What is the standard price for feet pics online?

  • Foot models on different platforms usually charge $5 for a single feet pic.
  • A bundle of three feet pics can cost feet fetish lover around $10.
  • Custom feet pics and videos will range from $25 to $50.

How much should I charge for feet pics?

There is no written law about how much to charge for feet pictures online. It all depends on the above-said factors and how well you have implemented it in your feet pic selling business.

If you are popular enough and have a loyal customer base around you, you can easily charge more than the average price of feet pics. For example, you can charge $10, $20, or even $30 for a single feet pic if you believe you have a buyer willing to pay that amount. If you are good enough, you can sell your single feet pic for thousands of dollars like this seller on OnlyFans.

Char Borley, a verified feet pic seller on Onlyfans, claims she sold a single photo of her feet for nearly $20,000. If you build a customer base as good as hers, even you stand a chance to make that amount of money. You can charge more than the regular $25 or $50 for custom-requested feet pics once you have established yourself as an authoritative feet pic seller on the platform.

How much to charge for toe pics?

If you thought earning money by selling feet pictures was weird, then you are in for a shock when you hear people are making a good amount of money by selling their toe pics. Like feet pics, toe pics have their own set of fans who pay generously to fulfill their fantasies.

Toe pic of feetpic seller

On average, toe pic sellers charge around $5 to $10 for a single picture. However, with the increase in popularity and the customer base, you can charge more than the average to make more money.


Well, there is your answer to the question, how much should I charge for feet pics?

Feet pic selling business is a very profitable side hustle these days. The pros of selling feet pics outweigh the cons, so everyone wants to be a part of it. And when you want to be a part of a growing business, it is natural to have questions like how much to charge for feet pictures. Unfortunately, there is no straightforward answer to this question.

Your popularity, customer base, dedication, and marketing are some factors that influence the price of feet pics that you sell on online marketplaces. Follow the tips and tricks mentioned in the article above to increase your chances of improving your feet pic prices.

Thank you for reading.

FAQs related to the charges of feet pics

1. How much should I charge for selling my feet pictures?

Depending on your popularity and your subscribers, you can charge any money to sell your feet pics online. Typically, sellers charge somewhere between $5 to $10 for single feet pics online.

2.  How much money can you realistically make selling feet pics?

Jason from the USA makes $4,000 per month, while Sweden’s Sweet Arches makes $70,000 yearly by selling feet pics. So, if you carry out the business with great dedication and commitment, you stand a chance to earn thousands of dollars every month.

3. How much to charge for feet videos?

Shooting and editing feet videos take more time than clicking a photo. So, you charge them more than your feet photos. For example, a $10 to $20 per feet video will be a good starting point if you are a beginner, while established sellers can charge more than $30 per feet videos.

4. What is a good price for selling your custom feet videos?

It will cost more for the custom feet videos, where buyers want sellers to squish flowers, pour wine down their feet, or do something else of the buyer’s choice that is reasonable. Custom feet videos are sold for around $50 per video across different platforms, and you can sell them at a higher price than that, depending on your popularity.

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